Werewolf the Apocalypse RPG 5th Edition: Shattered Nation Sourcebook (World of Darkness System)
Shattered Nation is a setting book for Werewolf, detailing the ruins of the Garou Nation and how they can be used concretely in Werewolf stories but it also details opportunities the players’ pack has in Garou politics, to leverage their Renown for power and influence.
Once the Garou tribes were united in one mighty Nation, ready and willing to fight for Gaia whenever and wherever they needed to. Now as the Apocalypse rages, the mightiest bulwark that should have defended against it is in tatters. The Garou Nation lies shattered.
- Explore pack dynamics (including new Pack types)
- Take action as a pack
- Use, Learn, and Portray the Rites of the Garou, including new Rites
- Run and participate in MootsÂ
- Deal with the enemies
- Add 7 new loresheets to their characters
Mature Advisory: contains graphic and written content of a mature nature, including violence, sexual themes, and strong language. Reader discretion is advised.