Master’s Relics Worldcrafting Tokens
Adventure is Objective
All too often we’re struck scrawling tavern tables, pillars, and bushes onto our D&D map tiles. But you? You know that objects make up the world, and not the other way around. With the Master’s Relics in hand, you dictate the texture of your players’ reality.
Inside this box you’ll find 200+ reversible object tokens in a huge variety of shapes and sizes. Create lavish throne rooms, bustling inns, dilapidated dungeons, and thrilling outdoor vistas. Add dry or wet erase marker for details and notes!
A Note from Sage Vedwyn, Archminister of Dungeoncraft
You’ve finally done it, haven’t you? Taken your first step into the secret art of dungeoncrafting. I don’t mind whether you’re a veteran of the first Tomb of Terror, or one of those Fifth Edition rookies who’s barely out of diapers.
I invite you to deploy the objects contained herein to whatever dungeon you can conjure. Vampire’s castle, bandit keep, or dragon’s lair. And we don’t have to limit our creations to the morbid and violent. Consider the simple country tavern, now bustling with tables, countertops, and sundries aplenty. Now add the patrons: the drunks, the tough guys, the sulky, sullen elves. Absolutely don’t neglect the barkeep.
See how real it can be? Now you try.
We have the tools to make any place as real as your own kitchen table. Realer. Crystals, runes, sorcerous circles of untold power. Chairs and thrones alike. Bones of kings, flickering torches. More. Much, much more.
Whoever you are, whatever your purpose, I bid you welcome. Together, we will build great things.