Master’s Atlas Worldcrafting Tiles: Adventures
Here Comes Trouble
Starting a new RPG campaign can be tricky. Creating an interesting hub village, populating it with vivid characters, not to mention quest hooks and plot threads! And what happens after? Take out the guesswork with Master’s Atlas: Adventures. A complete set of fully illustrated, double-faced boards include vivid maps and battle-grids of six locales.
Begin your campaign in a quaint seaside village complete with dark alleys and even darker secrets. Drop by the local tavern to stock up on hot gossip and meet with some local colour. When you’re ready, set out on a journey of perilous river crossings, deadly forest encounters, and more!
Includes a double-sided blank battle grid for your own custom creations and dangerous delves. There’s over 5000 square inches of map to explore in your unforgettable adventures! This set comes with four reversible 26″ x 26″ boards with 8 unique maps. Each map is customizable. Simply wipe them down with a cloth or towel.
Couple with Stratagem offerings to keep your tabletop gaming in tip top shape! You’ll find grid tiles, GM screens, item tokens, spellbooks, metal coins, custom meeples and more! These game boards are perfect for D&D, pathfinder, savage worlds, and popular RPG systems, and go well as a gift with beginner boxes.